Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Acute Gastroenteritis (On the Beach)

A man came complaining of loose bowel movements for the past 2 days. He was in the beach with some friends where they feasted on seafood and a bottle of whiskey. The next day he became a frequent visitor of the toilet because of watery excreta and crampy abdominal pain.
What do you do when you're far from home, on a beach where a doctor is hard to reach?

I must say, before going to the beach,here are essential drugs which you may need to bring.
1. Pain relievers/antipyretics (paracetamol)
2. Antispasmodics (hyoscine n-butylbromide or domperidone)
3.anti-emetic (metoclopramide)
4. Oral rehydration salts
5. Anti-bacterial cream
6. Local wound care kit (which inludes, povidone iodine, hydrogen peroxide,cotton, alcohol, sterile strips)

While enjoying the beach,make sure you're skin is protected from the harmful rays of the sun. Use sunblock with higher SPF to ensure longer protection. If you intend to go drunk, make sure that you have food in your stomach enough to protect it from hyperacidity.

Now,if you develop diarrhea and abdominal pain, there are different pathologic reasons. One, you could have eaten an 'infected' meal, a seafood which harbors parasites endemic in the area, two you could be suffering from indigestion or three, you could have upset your stomach and suffer from mild gastritis on top of your 'gluttony'.

It is important to replace volume per volume loss when you have diarrhea. Replace the amount you lose with oral rehydration salts. ORS comes in tablet or powder forms. It should be dissolved in distilled or 'mineral' water and have to be taken in small amounts. Do not try to overhydrate yourself or you'll find yourself vomiting in a short while. Small but frequent intake is the key.

It is very important to see a doctor once you have the chance. A fecalysis or stool exam is necessary to address the etiology of diarrhea. If it's infectious an antibacterial regimen is enough to treat you. However, if a parasite is present, another drug should be added to complete the treatment. Supportive treatment to alleviate pain is also given in the form of anti-spasmodics. However, giving so is not that necessary.

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