Ever wondered why women had to go through feelings of bloatedness,breast tenderness and emotional seesaw each month? Much worse if they start their monthly period with dysmenorrhea otherwise known as menstrual cramps.
Every month a woman goes through her usual menstrual cycle which is most often 28-30 days. However, short intervals such as 20-25 days or long intervals such as 40-45 days may still be acceptable depending on the case. This cycle usually climaxes with ovulation and ends with either pregnancy or menstruation. This is usually monitored for fertility status of the woman and serves as one of the basis for the natural family planning method.
It is easy to compute for one's fertile days when the cycle is regularly occuring, but for irregular cycles, one year menstrual calendar is needed before fertility status can be mapped out.
To compute, the first day of menses is labelled as Day 1, succeeding days are counted from day 1. Ovulation is the process by which an ova or egg cell is extruded from the ovaries ready to be fertilized by a sperm. During this time, basal body temperature increases and the uterus thickens in preparation for implantation. Ovulation usually happens on Day 14+/- 3 days of menses. Any sexual contact done on these days will most likely end with pregnancy. However , it still depends on the health status of both man and woman. Should there be no fertilization the uterine wall will slough off producing the monthly bloody discharge. At least 5 days prior to or during menstruation, a woman is infertile, however, for those with short cycles, contacts on the last day of menses may still cause pregnancy because sperm cells can stay in the woman for 72 hours--they do watchful waiting.
For irregular cycles, it is important to plot their one year menstrual periods. (For the computation, you can send me your one year calendar.) There are many factors why women develop problems in their monthly period. Obesity can cause polycystic ovarian disease, stress can alter hormonal effects in the uterus and ovaries, thickened endometrium and presence of myoma and endometriosis can cause dysmennorhea.
Every month a woman goes through her usual menstrual cycle which is most often 28-30 days. However, short intervals such as 20-25 days or long intervals such as 40-45 days may still be acceptable depending on the case. This cycle usually climaxes with ovulation and ends with either pregnancy or menstruation. This is usually monitored for fertility status of the woman and serves as one of the basis for the natural family planning method.
It is easy to compute for one's fertile days when the cycle is regularly occuring, but for irregular cycles, one year menstrual calendar is needed before fertility status can be mapped out.
To compute, the first day of menses is labelled as Day 1, succeeding days are counted from day 1. Ovulation is the process by which an ova or egg cell is extruded from the ovaries ready to be fertilized by a sperm. During this time, basal body temperature increases and the uterus thickens in preparation for implantation. Ovulation usually happens on Day 14+/- 3 days of menses. Any sexual contact done on these days will most likely end with pregnancy. However , it still depends on the health status of both man and woman. Should there be no fertilization the uterine wall will slough off producing the monthly bloody discharge. At least 5 days prior to or during menstruation, a woman is infertile, however, for those with short cycles, contacts on the last day of menses may still cause pregnancy because sperm cells can stay in the woman for 72 hours--they do watchful waiting.
For irregular cycles, it is important to plot their one year menstrual periods. (For the computation, you can send me your one year calendar.) There are many factors why women develop problems in their monthly period. Obesity can cause polycystic ovarian disease, stress can alter hormonal effects in the uterus and ovaries, thickened endometrium and presence of myoma and endometriosis can cause dysmennorhea.
For those who want to have children, the advise is to do the conjugal act 2-3x a week. Daily sexual activity for those who are trying to get pregnant is too stressful which may decrease success rate.
Many times, I really wonder why God chose women to give birth. But, who are we to question His Wisdom? Even He, had to look for a woman for Him to be born. Mary, was a worthy vessel. There are things in this world which we need to accept because it is governed by nature. Even science could not explain why a woman is a woman or a man is a man. Big bang theories and other theories about our beginnings could not definitely explain how the sexes came to be and why it's very specific. Molecular rearrangements can be explained but again who dictates their movement? St. Thomas was correct, there has to be a first mover, a prime mover before anything really can move.
Many times, I really wonder why God chose women to give birth. But, who are we to question His Wisdom? Even He, had to look for a woman for Him to be born. Mary, was a worthy vessel. There are things in this world which we need to accept because it is governed by nature. Even science could not explain why a woman is a woman or a man is a man. Big bang theories and other theories about our beginnings could not definitely explain how the sexes came to be and why it's very specific. Molecular rearrangements can be explained but again who dictates their movement? St. Thomas was correct, there has to be a first mover, a prime mover before anything really can move.
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