Saturday, June 14, 2008

Decelerate Aging

There is much talks about how to slow down the process of aging. Many who felt that they are starting to 'age' resort to a lot of beauty regimens and age- defying scientific technology which include surgical and non-surgical interventions. While it is true that physiologically we age--- the experience is quite disturbing.

What happens when we age? White hairs increase in number. Ears elongate. Skin suddenly loses its elasticity. Wrinkles appear on undesirable places. Vision gets a little blurred. Hearing starts to decline. Comprehension becomes slow. Flabs sag. Bones become brittle. Hyperpigmentations increase. Etc. Etc.

Picture yourselves at the age of 60. Would you be able to recognize yourself?

There are physiologic changes in aging which we cannot really defy. However, we can slow it down by changing our lifestyle as early as now. In the molecular level, the food that we eat may reflect the speed of our getting old. Too much glucose at one point or another can contribute to increase in the glycosylation of amino acids which renders the proteins in our bodies unable to function well. The advice really is do small frequent feeding so that sugar does not necessarily rise abruptly. The intake of food which can halt the actions of free radicals is also important. Free radicals scavenge our last armory and when they attack the pawns of our immune system, how can we fight bacterial or viral insults?

Diet and Exercise may decelerate aging. If you want to live longer, Eat-Five-To-Keep-ALive... Five means 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables each day. Avoid sources of Omega 6 like pork and some meat. Increase fish intake, those with high Omega 3 levels such as salmon and tuna. On top of that you may need to take supplements in the form of fiber and natural extracts. Avoid synthetic products. Of course, avoid salty and fatty food if you are diabetic or hypertensive.

Do 10,000 steps each day. Walking enhances cardiac function. There is really no need to run or jog or set a scheduled time. You may start counting the number of steps as early as your waking time. From the moment you get up from bed up to the time you come home from work.

Increase your lifespan by living a quality life.

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